
QQ: 278343362
信箱: hufx278@usts.edu.cn
地址: 苏州科技大学院士楼-331
PhD (分析化学) 西南大学, 2012.09-2015.12
国家公派联合培养博士 (材料化学)美国凯斯西储大学,2013-2014
MS (分析化学) 西南大学, 2010.09-2012.06
2021.07-至今 副教授,材料科学与工程学院,苏州科技大学
2016.01-2021.07 讲师,材料科学与器件研究院、材料科学与工程学院,苏州科技大学
2023.05 江苏省高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师
2023.06 江苏政府留学奖学金
2023.05 苏州市科协青年科技人才托举工程
2023.07 苏州科技大学青年教师标兵(科研类)
2022.05 江苏青年科技创新“U35攀峰”系列寻访活动“U35创新”提名奖
2022.12 江苏省研究生“先进生物与绿色环保技术”创新实践大赛二等奖,优秀指导教师
2022.09 江苏省十佳研究生导师团队提名(成员)
2022.08 第八届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创意创业大赛,省级、三等奖,指导老师(3/3)
2022.05 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(指导教师,立项)
2021.09 苏州市“最美劳动者”
2021.12 苏州科技大学第十届创新创意创业大赛三等奖(校级,指导教师)
2021.12 苏州科技大学互联网+培育项目立项
2020.12 苏州科技大学交行奖教金(科研类)
2020.12 苏州科技大学课程思政微课竞赛团队一等奖、二等奖各一项
2020.10 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(指导教师,已结题)
2019.05 苏州科技大学大学生创新训练计划项目(校级,指导教师)
2018.08 第四届中国“互联网+”江苏大学生创新创意创业大赛二等奖(指导教师)
2018.07 “创青春”江苏省大学生创业大赛 银奖(指导教师)
2018.06 苏州科技大学“中国人寿杯”第八届创新创意创业一等奖(指导老师)
2018.06 第四届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创意创业苏州科技大学校赛一等奖(指导老师)
主要研究兴趣为单原子纳米酶集成式生物芯片电子系统,应用于疾病标志物的实时检测研究。在相关领域杂志包括ACS Nano、Analytical Chemistry、Advanced Materials、Advanced Functional Materials、Nano-Micro Letters等发表SCI收录论文50余篇,论文总引用次数2484次,其中单篇引用次数>100次的有4篇,>500次的有1篇,H指数23,i10指数34。近五年科研成果如下:以一作或通讯作者发表SCI收录期刊14篇,其中一区11篇,二区3篇,总IF>214。授权发明专利10项,其中专利技术转化2项,总经费15万元。主持及参与科研项目10项,包括国家自然科学基金青年项目2项,国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,江苏省自然科学基金青年项目1项,江苏省高校自然科学研究基金面上项目2项,苏州科技大学自然科学基金青年项目1项,企业委托技术开发项目2项。
1) FX Hu*, G Hu, DP Wang, X Duan, L Feng, B Chen, Y Liu, J Ding, CX Guo*, HB Yang*, Integrated biochip-electronic System with single-atom nanozyme for in vivo analysis of nitric oxide, ACS Nano, 2023, 17, 9, 8575–8585.
2) JY Yang, G Li, SH Chen, XZ Su, D Xu, YM Zhai, YH Liu, GX Hu, CX Guo*, HB Yang*, L.G. Occhipinti*, FX Hu*, Machine Learning-Assistant Colorimetric Sensor Arrays for Intelligent and Rapid Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection, ACS sensors, 2024, 9, 4, 1945–1956.
3) M Ding, KL Tian, JW Wang, YH Liu, GX Hu, Y Zheng, SH Lei, JY Sun, HB Yang*, FX Hu*, Integrated molybdenum single atom array sensors with multi-channels for nitrite detection in foods, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2024, 257, 116345.
4) RF Li, ZW Jing, GM Yang, R Yuan, FX Hu*, SH Chen*, Nickel Single-Atom Catalyst Boosts Electrochemiluminescence of Graphitic Carbon Nitride for Sensitive Detection of HBV DNA, Analytical Chemistry,2023, 95, 18207−18214。
5) Y Liu, J Ding, F Li, X Su, Q Zhang, G Guan, FX Hu*, J Zhang, Q Wang, Y Jiang, B Liu*, HB Yang*, Modulating Hydrogen Adsorption via Charge Transfer at the Semiconductor –Metal Heterointerface for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis, Advanced Materials, 2023, 2207114.
6) G Li, Y Zheng, GX Hu, B Chen, Y Gu, J Yang, HB Yang, FX Hu,* CM Li,* CX Guo*, Boosting Photo-Electro-Fenton Process Via Atomically Dispersed Iron Sites on Graphdiyne for in Vitro Hydrogen Peroxide Detection, Small, 2023, 202301540.
7) GX Hu#, Q Rao#, G Li, Y Zheng, Y Liu, CX Guo, FX Hu*, HB Yang*, F Chen*, Single-atom cobalt integrated flexible sensor for simultaneous detection of dihydroxybenzene isomers, Nanoscale, 2023,15, 9484-9495.
8) MQ Tong, N Zhang, ZX Tan, LL Chi, KW Zhang, B Chen, FX Hu,* CX Guo*, Oxygen vacancy-rich Bi2WO6 nanocrystals for fast and wide-range photoelectrochemical sensing of hydrogen peroxide, Microchemical Journal, 190 (2023) 108618.
9) YH Liu, QL Wang, JC Zhang, J Ding, Y Cheng, T Wang, J Li, FX Hu*, HB Yang*, B Liu*, Recent Advances in Carbon-Supported Noble-Metal Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction: Syntheses, Structures, and Properties, Advanced Energy Materials, 2022, 12, 28, 2200928.
10) X Xie, DP Wang, CX Guo, Y Liu, Q Rao, F Lou, Q Li, Y Dong, Q Li,* HB Yang, * FX Hu *, Single-atom Ruthenium biomimetic enzyme for simultaneous electrochemical detection of dopamine and uric acid, Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93, 11, 4916–4923.
11) FX Hu, T Hu, SH Chen, DP Wang, Q Rao, Y Liu, F Dai, CX Guo*, HB Yang*, CM Li*, Single-atom cobalt-based electrochemical biomimetic uric acid sensor with wide linear range and ultralow detection limit, Nano-Micro Letters, 2021, 13: 7.
12) FX Hu,# J Miao,# CX Guo, HB Yang*, B Liu*, Real-time Photoelectrochemical Quantification of Hydrogen Peroxide Produced by Living Cells, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 407, 127203.
13) Y He, FX Hu*, J Zhao, G Yang, Y Zhang, SH Chen*, R Yuan, Bifunctional Moderator-Powered Ratiometric Electrochemiluminescence Enzymatic Biosensors for Detecting Organophosphorus Pesticides Based on Dual-Signal Combined Nanoprobes, Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93, 25, 8783–8790.
14) X Hao,# FX Hu,# (共同一作), Y Gu, HB Yang, CM Li, CX Guo,* Molecularly assembled graphdiyne with atomic sites for ultrafast and real-time detection of nitric oxide in cell assays, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2022, 195, 113630
15) YY Yin, JW Wang, B Chen, PY Zhang, G Li, W Sun, FX Hu*, CM Li*, Unique BiFeO3/ g-C3N4 mushroom heterojunction with photocatalytic antibacterial and wound therapeutic activity, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 2686 – 2695.
16) FX H, YY Yin, JW Wang , CJ Chen ,G Li ,CM Li, CX Guo *, Photoelectrochemical quantification of hydrogen peroxide with g-C3N4/BiFeO3, Sensors and Actuators Reports, 4 (2022) 100079
17) 饶强海, 胡光煊, 张春媚, 杨鸿斌, 胡芳馨*, 郭春显,*碳基材料构建电化学传感器实现苯二酚异构体的超敏精准检测:综述[J], 材料导报,2023,37(5),21080175-17.
18) JW Wang, YY Yin, QH Rao, G Li, W Sun, FX Hu*, CM Li*, Nanoporous Ce-Based Metal−Organic Framework Nanoparticles for NO Sensing, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022, 5, 2, 2451–2459.
19) FX Hu,* # XL Xie, # DP Wang, HB Yang, Y Gu, B Chen, C Zhang, Q Rao, Q Li, CX Guo,* Three-Dimensional Cell-Adhesive Matrix of Silk Cocoon Derived Carbon Fiber Assembled with Iron-porphyrin for Monitoring Cell Released Signal Molecules, Sensors and Actuators: B Chemical, 2021, 334, 129594.
20) QH Rao, FX Hu,*, LY Gan, CX Guo, YH Liu, CM Zhang, CJ Chen, HB Yang,* CM Li,* Boron-Nitrogen-Co-Doping Nanocarbons to Create Rich Electroactive Defects toward Simultaneous Sensing Hydroquinone and Catechol, Electrochimica Acta, 2022, 402, 139427.
21) FX Hu, CX Guo, HB Yang, ZZ Shi, LM Dai, and CM Li * et al., 3D Pt/Graphene foam bioplatform for highly sensitive and selective in-situ adsorption and detection of superoxide anions released from living cells, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 287 (2019) 209–217
22) S Zhao,# FX Hu,# (共同一作) CX Guo*, and CM Li et al., 2-D/2-D heterostructured biomimetic enzyme by interfacial assembling Mn3(PO4)2 and MXene as a flexible platform for realtime sensitive sensing cell superoxide, Nano Research, 14 (2021) 879–886
23) FX Hu, YJ Kang, F Du, L Zhu, YH Xue, T Chen, LM Dai*, CM Li*, Living Cells Directly Growing on a DNA/Mn3(PO4)2-immobilized and Vertically-aligned CNT Array as a Free-standing Hybrid film for Highly Sensitive in-situ Detection of Released Superoxide Anions, Advanced Functional Materials, 25 (2015) 5924-5932
24) FX Hu, JL Xie, SJ Bao, L Yu, CM Li*, Shape-Controlled Ceria-Reduced Graphene Oxide nanocomposites toward High-sensitive In Situ Detection of Nitric Oxide, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 70 (2015) 310–317
25) FX Hu, SH Chen*, CY Wang, R Yuan*, Y Xiang, C Wang, Multi-wall carbon nanotube -Polyaniline biosensor based on lectin–carbohydrate affinity for ultrasensitive detection of Con A, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 34 (2012) 202–207
26) FX Hu, SH Chen*, CY Wang, R Yuan*, DH Yuan, C Wang, Study on the application of reduced graphene oxide and multiwall carbon nanotubes hybrid materials for simultaneous determination of catechol, hydroquinone, p-cresol and nitrite, Analytica Chimica Acta 724 (2012) 40–46
27) FX Hu, SH Chen*, R Yuan*, Application of magnetic core-shell microspheres on reagentless immunosensor based on direct electrochemistry of glucose oxidase for detection of carbohydrate antigen 19-9, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical 176 (2013) 713–722
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,直接构建仿生酶/生物基活细胞生长的自支撑传感器及其高灵敏原位实时检测细胞释放的NO,2017.12-2020.12
2. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,活细胞直接生长的三维卟啉铁/碳纤维网自支撑传感器及其释放NO的快速实时高灵敏检测,2017.07-2020.06
3. 江苏省高校自然科学研究基金面上项目,三维Pt@石墨烯海绵自支撑细胞传感器的构建及检测,2017.07-2019.06
4. 江苏省高校自然科学研究基金面上项目, 2023.07-2025.06
5. 企业委托项目,2022.03-2023.09,50万元
6. 企业委托项目,2022.08-2024.09,30万元
1. 胡芳馨,杨健宇,李鸽,杨鸿斌,郭春显,一种微生物精准识别比色传感器及其制备方法和应用,申请时间:2023-12-20专利号:ZL 202311761817.6,
2. 仓正易,胡芳馨,陈鑫,邹竹筠,杨鸿斌,郭春显,一种铁单原子催化剂的制备方法、产品及应用,申请时间:2023-12-22专利号:ZL 2023117831389,
3. 胡芳馨,杨鸿斌,郭春显,胡光煊,单原子钴纳米酶材料、柔性电化学芯片传感器及其应用,申请时间:2022-02-14,专利号:ZL 2022101346124
4. 胡芳馨,郭春显,杨鸿斌, 尹燕燕, 磷掺杂单原子钌材料及其制备和应用,2023-11-21,授权时间:2023-11-21,专利号:ZL 202210184492.9. (已授权)
5. 胡芳馨,尹燕燕,郭春显,杨鸿斌,胡光煊,铁酸铋/石墨相氮化碳复合材料及其制备方法与应用,授权时间:2023-10-24,专利号:ZL 202210017537.3(已授权)
6. 胡芳馨,谢晓莉,郭春显,杨鸿斌,胡光煊,组装有氯化血红素的碳纤维支架及其制备方法和应用,授权时间:2022-12-13,专利号:ZL202011217546.4(已授权)
7. 胡芳馨, 郭春显,杨鸿斌,饶强海,陈逸飞,李长明,胡光煊,双功能仿生酶/氧化石墨烯复合材料及其制备方法与应用,授权时间: 2021-09-21,专利号:ZL 201910412909.0. (已授权)
8. 胡芳馨,饶强海,王秀玲,郭春显,杨鸿斌,李长明,镍金属有机框架材料及其制备方法与应用,授权时间: 2021-11-19,专利号:ZL201910412976.2. (已授权)
9. 胡芳馨,杨鸿斌,郭春显,李长明,杨晓龙,胡光煊,基于碲化镉量子点/氧化还原石墨烯复合物的电致化学发光材料及其制备方法和应用,授权时间: 2022-03-01,专利号:ZL201910198684.3. (已授权)
10. 杨鸿斌,肖遥,郭春显,胡芳馨,磷化不锈钢材料及其制备方法和应用,授权时间: 2020-10-27,专利号: ZL 2019103639999(已授权)
11. 胡光煊,胡芳馨、陈丰、杨鸿斌、郭春显、陈博,一种电化学柔性传感芯片及其应用,授权时间:2023-10-24,专利号: ZL 202210320370.8(已授权)
12. 郭春显,郝喜娟,胡芳馨,杨鸿斌,生物质基三维多孔碳/羟基氧化锰仿生酶材料及其制备方法和应用,授权时间: 2022-06-03 专利号:ZL 201910893681.1.(已授权)
13. 郭春显,郝喜娟,胡芳馨,杨鸿斌,柚子皮基氮硫共掺杂碳材料及其制备方法和应用,申请时间:2019-03-27, 专利号:ZL 201910237282.X. (已授权)
14. 杨鸿斌,赵星,肖遥,郭春显,胡芳馨,一种金属有机骨架材料/镍铁合金复合电催化电极及其制备方法与应用,授权时间:2022-11-11,专利号:ZL 202010113005.0
15. 杨鸿斌,赵星,肖遥,郭春显,胡芳馨,一种使用真空磷化技术实现碳纤维表面改性的方法,申请时间:2020-03-04,专利号:ZL 202010144547.4(已授权)
16. 郭春显,郝喜娟,宋钊,胡芳馨,杨鸿斌,一种石墨炔/血红素复合材料及其制备方法和应用。授权时间:2022-11-18,专利号:ZL 202110528037.1(已授权)
17. 郭春显,赵沈飞,宋钊,胡芳馨,史转转,杨鸿斌,一种电化学生物传感器用的导电墨汁及其制备方法和应用。授权时间:2022-09-20,专利号:ZL 202110519984.X (已授权)